
Wed, 10/25/2017

How data integrity could shape the future of blockchain – and supply chains.

Thu, 10/12/2017

New factory audit processes are helping companies that outsource production to evaluate supplier performance in more depth. The payoff: more effective decision-making.

Thu, 01/12/2017

Improving supply chain transparency is a high priority for companies, especially in industries such as foodservice where consumers and regulators are pushing for more publicly available information on how products are made and delivered. Increasing product complexity—the growing demand for...

Thu, 12/22/2016

Water’s deceptive abundance and low cost in many countries is not yet promoting responsible management within many companies. That needs to change.

Tue, 03/22/2016

The United States’ shifting approach to ethanol and other biofuels is a case study in short-sighted decision making.

Mon, 03/07/2016

MIT’s Alexis Bateman writes that vertical integration is gaining favor as companies address quality and sustainability, but it also demands a close look at business priorities

Sun, 11/01/2015

The ability to track and trace products is fundamental to sound supply chain management. Traceability affects supply chain efficiency, product safety and security, managing deep tier risks, on-time delivery performance, troubleshooting customer issues, controlling costs, and regulatory...

Thu, 08/27/2015

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would remove state-level authority to require companies to show when a food product contains genetically-modified organisms, or GMOs. 

Officially called the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, the bill is the result of a...

Thu, 04/30/2015

Large United States food companies are said to be trying—but finding it difficult—to meet consumer demands to cut unsustainable palm oil from its supply chain. 

Wed, 04/29/2015

The roster of food companies that want to eliminate palm oil from their products is getting longer. But actually reaching that goal will require an enormous effort across their supply chains.

“Once a company goes into the palm oil supply chain, it gets incredibly complex," says Alexis...